"Making your health a priority could be the best decision you ever take. Regular massages make the perfect accompaniment to a positive lifestyle." Kat, with 20 years experience.

About me

My name is Kat.

I am passionate about mental, physical and spiritual well being and I am lucky enough to have a job that reflects this.

Deep Tissue massage is my speciality.

Massage found me in 2003 after a turbulent period of my life and it has been my best friend ever since.

As an introvert, it gives me a deep connection with people and a voice. It speaks for itself.

Massage is therapeutic for me. Every massage experience is different- uniquely informative and always uplifting.

I love the challenge and I will never, ever tire of this job!

My journey

I grew up on the beautiful island of Grand Cayman and was blessed with a relaxing and happy childhood, experiencing the euphoria of Caribbean life every day.

Because of this, I have a deep rooted connection with the sun, sea and relaxation!

I have a degree in Sports Studies and I took the Premier Diploma in personal training and sports massage therapy in 2003, but my real training began in a 5 star hotel and spa in Cyprus where I would do up to 10 massages per day.

I can confidently say that I have done thousands upon thousands of massages and experienced every different body shape and personal scenario thinkable.

I set up Massage in a Bottle in 2006 and have been enjoying my dream job ever since. It has allowed me to work around starting a family, exposed me to celebrities (including Jason Manford and KT Tunstall!) and continues to teach me about the world we live in on a daily basis.

I am truly grateful to everyone who has entered my life through massage and I hope to be able to meet many, many more!

What do I do?

I come to you…

Imagine being able to simply slip on your dressing gown after a massage and then run a hot bath…there would be no need to worry about getting oil on your clothes or facing the traffic home.

I provide a high quality, comfortable table, towels, oil and music. All you need is a quiet room and the ability to switch off and enjoy.

Or visit me…

Treatment room

Monday-Saturday, 10am-6pm

If you are unable to have a massage at your home or would prefer to come to me, I have a room available at the back of my house.

Rest assured that this is a quiet, professional setting that will allow you to escape and unwind without disturbance.


Fresh paper towel is used on the couch and face cradle area.

Clean towels are used for every client.

The face cradle is wiped with anti bacterial wipes after every treatment.

I do not operate a busy business, clients are usually kept to a maximum of 3 per day.

A face mask can be worn on request.

Simply Business

Business insurance fully provided through Simply Business.

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